otis department of corrections Information, maps, screenshots and full loot list for the Thornmarch (Extreme) trial in Final Fantasy XIV. FINAL FANTASY, FINAL FANTASY XIV, FFXIV, SQUARE ENIX, and the SQUARE ENIX logo. Duty (Treasure Coffer) Trials > A Realm Reborn Thornmarch (Extreme). Kingly Whisker is a rare Mog EX drop which also can be acquired from quick ventures. White Raven Armor Fragment is a rare T9 drop which also can be acquired from quick ventures. 50 Trials 0 0 Data Reward Boss Good King Moggle Mog XII Furryfoot Kupli Kipp Pukla Puki The Pomburner Pukna Pako The Tailturner Puksi Piko The Shaggysong Ruffletuft Kupta Kapa Whiskerwall Kupdi Koop Woolywart Kupqu Kogi Reward 莫古的魔须 極王モグル・モグのヒゲ Kingly Whisker Moustache royale Königliches Barthaar 其他站点链接 Lodestone Garland Data FF14 ERIONES Gamer Escape 莫古尔.

Kingly Whisker - Weapon Part Items - FFXIV Info Item Database物品:莫古尔 50 Trials 0 0 Data Reward Boss Good King Moggle Mog XII Furryfoot Kupli Kipp Pukla Puki The Pomburner Pukna Pako The Tailturner Puksi Piko The Shaggysong Ruffletuft Kupta Kapa Whiskerwall Kupdi Koop Woolywart Kupqu Kogi Reward workday login labcorp View all of the information on all of the Weapon part items in Final Fantasy XIV and its expansions.

Description: This regal whisker once belonged to Good King Moggle Mog, Twelfth of His …Crafting Log Gathering Log Achievements Shops Text Commands Thornmarch (Extreme) Lv. Crafting Material Available for Purchase: No Sells for 13 gil Obtained From Copy Name to Clipboard Total Crafted: 1 Quantity to be Crafted Required Ingredients Materials 3 Demimog Demimateria 10 Battlecraft Demimateria III 1 Kingly WhiskerMoggle Mog XII's Whisker.
ds1 weapons tier list Kingly Whisker Eorzea Database Version: Patch 6.4 New Kingly Whisker Part 0 0 This whisker, imbued with the majesty of all moogle monarchs past and present, once belonged to Good King Moggle Mog, Twelfth of His Name. None of these items are still available for exchange. This page is the historical listing of past Moogle Treasure Trove Events exchanges. Itinerant Moogle is a Moogle found in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks. This whisker, imbued with the majesty of all moogle monarchs past and present, once belonged to Good King Moggle Mog, Twelfth of His Name.26 May FFXIV Endwalker Guide: Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle 26 May FFXIV Endwalker Guide: Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle 26 May FFXIV Endwalker Guide: Anabaseios: …- In-game description.